Walk the World

Peace and Equity to Fight Child Hunger

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Walk theWorld: Peace and Equity to Fight Child Hunger

“There are 315,000 children in Sri Lanka, who do not get proper food and were dependant on school feeding program by World Food Programme, which covers about 1,375 schools in the island. And moves were underway to expand the school feeding programme to feed 335,000 children and increase the number of schools benefiting from this programme” according to United Nations World Food Programme Country Representative Jeff Taft Dick.

Walk theWorld: Peace and Equity to Fight Child Hunger

All walks of life participated in the walk

Hunger is one of the major problems faced by many countries in the world.

The walk was organised by World Food Programme, and it partners the European Union and TNT

Kandyan dancer adding colour to the event

Sri Lanka joined 100 countries in the world to fight child hunger

Musaeus College, Colombo 07 band joined the walk

The participants walked for five kilometers

6 1/2 month old Kimia also participated in the walk. "Kimia" means Peace in Lingala, the language which is spoken in the Republic of Congo.

The theme of the walk was "Peace and Equity to Fight Child Hunger"